199 Castlereagh St, Sydney, &
The Galleries, 2 Park St, Sydney, NSW


Oliver is an expert in muscle gain and fat loss, with a special interest in longevity & reducing pain.
Oliver's interest in fitness was sparked after spending his youth in pursuit of athletic greatness in the 400m hurdles that naturally progressed to studies in Sports Exercise Physiology in the UK.
Oliver's experience over 20 years in structured training uses evidence based training to reach your goal. His style of training favours a nice & friendly environment where you can take a break from your everyday life and focus on yourself.
In his free time, Oliver has a voracious appetite for reading and also enjoys playing guitar in a band. Other hobbies include learning Kiswahili (his wife's second language and most spoken language in East Africa); Braziliian Jiu Jitsu (similar to wrestling) & spending time with his beautiful 2 year old.


Makda is an expert in helping you get stronger and more confident in your ability to perform exercises in the gym that transfer to everyday life.
Makda's interest in health was ignited 10 years ago when she was obese, riddled with illness and debilitating back pain that left her bed ridden for months.
Makda proceeded to lose 30 kgs and get rid of her illnesses, thereafter rehabilitating her back and performing exercises better than ever before.
Using science backed protocols, Makda creates a personalised training and coaching plan to get you strong, keep you motivated & injury free and help you gain confidence in your abilities.
In her free time, Makda enjoys playing piano, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and cooking feasts for her family & friends.
Makda is an expert in helping you get stronger and more confident in your ability to perform exercises in the gym that transfer to everyday life.
Makda's interest in health was ignited 10 years ago when she was obese, riddled with illness and debilitating back pain that left her bed ridden for months.
Makda proceeded to lose 30 kgs and get rid of her illnesses, thereafter rehabilitating her back and performing exercises better than ever before.
Using science backed protocols, Makda creates a personalised training and coaching plan to get you strong, keep you motivated & injury free and help you gain confidence in your abilities.
In her free time, Makda enjoys playing piano, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and cooking feasts for her family & friends.
Do you provide me with nutrition help?Absolutely! Eating is half the battle for any goal, whether the goal is appearance or performance. We encourage and help our clients to eat nutritious and delicious foods - absolutely no fads or quick fixes. The aim is to live long and be healthy.
Do I need to join your gym?You do not need a membership to attend any of the two gyms we work from. There are multiple options available for you including - becoming a member on a no lock in contract where you just pay a month to month fee with no additional fees. You can also pay a casual visit fee ($10-$30 per visit - dependant on location) at reception when you visit the gym or purchase a casual pass via the app 'class pass' and select 'open gym' which works out to be $2-$5 per visit. If you would like to join the gym, we can arrange a discounted rate so please do discuss this with us.
What is the minimum amount of sessions I need?Our clients see us from a range of 1-3 sessions per week. The minimum we will take on is one session per week. You will always make the most progress each week in the sessions where you are being coached. If you are not ready to commit to once a week, then keep going with your current protocols until you feel you are ready to fully commit.
Do you have a lock in contract?We do not have any lock in contracts and you are free to stop at anytime. We do however request an initial 12 session period of training as a commitment so you can see some results with consistent coaching. While you will see strength increases on a week to week basis, it will take you around 12 weeks to see a noticeable difference in appearance, as well as strength and conditioning. This applies to goals such as building lean muscle and also fat loss.
Do you take people with long term injuries?Through multiple years of experience in the health and fitness industry, it is quite apparent that majority of people are nursing some form of long term injury or niggle. We pride ourselves on taking care of these issues alongside regular training and are well adapted in all forms of rehab and pain management strategies.
Can I pick a female or male trainer?Absolutely! You are free to select Oliver or Makda as your Personal Trainer.
​Do you provide me with training programs when I am on my own?Our aim is to ensure you reach your goal quickly and efficiently, therefore, we will most certainly ensure you have programs to complete on your own during the week. ​